Have Trouble Relaxing? Learn These Relaxation Techniques.
Do you find yourself unable to relax? There are a number of great relaxation techniques available for you to try. Relaxation techniques incorporate several practices including guided imagery, progressive relaxation, biofeedback, self hypnosis, and deep breathing exercises. The target is not dissimilar in all: to create the entire body’…
Keep Your Skin Healthy by Protecting It
Folks state that beauty’s only skin deep; it is what is on the “interior” that counts. Our insides are definitely not unimportant, but skin is the first layer of defense from the external world. Skin may also give hints that are significant to your own current…
The Flu is Coming! Are You Ready?
Have you received your Flu shot yet? You haven’t? Well, you are one of millions of Americans who have been procrastinating and have not yet received the vaccine. However you should consider a Flu shot because Flu season is here. The most recent FluView report from the Centers…
Holidays Are More Than Food
It’s good to have fun activities coupled with smaller meals…
Twelve Tips for a Healthy Holiday
Give the gift of holiday safety…
Tips for Holiday Health
A few common tips for a healthy and happy holiday…
Coping With Allergies and Asthma During the Holidays
Important holiday information…
Preventing Foodborne Illness at Family Holiday Gatherings
Advice for the Holidays…