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New Pain Free Diabetes Blood Sugar Test To Be Released in 2016

New Pain Free Diabetes Blood Sugar Test To Be Released in 2016

A new pain free Diabetes blood sugar test is being developed by Tasso Inc.  The company is perfecting a device the size of a ping-pong ball that takes a small blood sample while being held against the skin for two minutes. Users report the procedure is nearly or completely…

A definition of neuroma

A definition of neuroma

Find the meaning of the term neuroma…

What is Hansen’s disease?

What is Hansen’s disease?

Find the meaning of the term Hansen’s disease…

A definition of hirsutism

A definition of hirsutism

Find the meaning of the term hirsutism…

A definition of Graves’ disease

A definition of Graves’ disease

Find the meaning of the term Graves’ disease…

What is COPD?

What is COPD?

Learn about the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S…

A Definition of Expectorant

A Definition of Expectorant

Find the meaning of the term expectorant…



Increasing awareness and understanding…