Fiber is Important in our Daily Diets Fiber is Important in our Daily Diets
Allan Hanysides and Peter Landis


According to Allan Handysides and Peter Landis, directors of the General Conference Health Ministries Department of the World Seventh-day Adventist Church, food fiber is so important in our daily diets.

Fiber is found in fruit, vegetables and legumes. There are two types of fiber, soluble, which feeds bacteria in the bowel and insoluble fiber that adds bulk to the stool by absorbing water and therefore enlarging the stool.

It is found that people who eat more fiber have a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and also more fiber can help people lost weight. It is recommended by the Institute of Medicine that 21 grams of fiber daily for men and 30 grams of fiber for women who are over the age of 50 years.

With beans, which is an excellent source of fiber, soaking them overnight, then throw the water away and then also discarding the water that you bring the beans to a boiling point with. This procedure will help to take the gas out of the beans, so you can tolerate the healthy fiber in beans much better.

Remember God gave us the natural foods to aid in our body functions.
