The Truth about Urinary Tract Infections
Source: Healthcareserve.com Article

What is a UTI?

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are caused by bacteria. A healthy and normal body has a number of defenses against UTIs: Our urine is a little acidic and contains salts, minerals and waste products. Bacteria does not thrive in this solution. The flow of our urine usually "washes out" bacteria from our urinary tract and bladder. This cleansing purges the bacteria before they have a chance to grow. Men secrete a certain substance from the prostate gland that can kill bacteria.

When we have problems with bacteria in our tract, it usually results from a couple of conditions. Either our natural defenses have been weakened or our urine flow has been blocked.

There are both upper bladder "upper UTI" and lower bladder "lower UTI" infections. The lower UTIs usually affect the urethra and the upper UTIs usually involve the bladder.

Women get more urinary infections than men. In fact, urinary tract infections in men tend to be quite rare before 50. After 50 UTI become more common in both men and women.

Signs and Symptoms

Possible signs and symptoms of a lower UTI may include: A more frequent than usual need to urinate Increased urination at night Pain during urination Trouble urinating even when your bladder feels full A noticeable presence of blood in the urine A sensation that the bladder cannot be completely emptied when urinating Cloudiness in the urine

Possible signs and symptoms of an upper UTI may include: Vomiting and/or nausea Pain in the area of the lower back Chills and/or a fever

Treatment of a UTI

Your doctor has effective treatments that can address a UTI. Medications can help treat UTIs. If you are having trouble with your urinary tract, it is important to see a physician promptly. Only your doctor can properly diagnosis and treat a UTI.
