
Writed 143 posts and 0 comments

Australia: Adventist-owned Weet-Bix Is Australia’s Favorite Trademark

Australia: Adventist-owned Weet-Bix Is Australia’s Favorite Trademark

Nourising whole grain wheat flakes is changing Australia’s breakfast…

Imaging Study May Help Point Toward More Effective Smoking Cessation Treatment

This study illustrates the powerful addictive impact of even small amounts of nicotine…

Quit to Live: How and Why to Quit Smoking Today

Major conclusions of the 2004 Surgeon General Report…

Quit To Live: How and Why to Quit Smoking Today

Five keys for helping to quit smoking…

Overweight and Obesity: Contributing Factors

Can choices in what we eat and how we exercise contribute to overweight and obesity…

Do you know the Health Risks of Being Overweight?

Do you know why losing 5 to 15% of your body weight can benefit you…

Overweight in Early Childhood Increases Chance for Obesity by Age 12

Is it important to maintain a healthy weight in early childhood…

Weight Cycling

Just what is weight cycling…

Holidays Are More Than Food

Holidays Are More Than Food

It’s good to have fun activities coupled with smaller meals…