How Can Deep Vein Thrombosis be Prevented? How Can Deep Vein Thrombosis be Prevented?
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

Preventing deep vein thrombosis depends on whether you have had a clot before and on your risk factors for developing a clot.

If you have had a deep vein clot before, future clots may be prevented by:

Taking the medicines prescribed by your doctor to prevent or treat blood clots
Following up with your doctor for medicine changes and blood tests
If you have never had a deep vein clot but have risks factors for developing one, you may be able to prevent a clot by:

Exercising your lower leg muscles, if you will be sitting still for long periods of time.
Getting out of bed and moving around as soon as you are able to after a long period of being bedridden, such as after having surgery or being ill. The sooner you move around, the less chance you have of developing a clot.
Taking the medicines prescribed by your doctor to prevent or treat blood clots after some types of surgery.
Following up with your doctor.
