Health and Safety for College Students Health and Safety for College Students
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Learn what you can do to enjoy college the safe and healthy way!

College is full of excitement, including meeting new people, learning new things, possibly living away from home, and making your own decisions. But college can also be stressful as you develop new routines and face new opportunities. It can be challenging to juggle responsibilities like attending class, studying long hours, having a social life, and working. The college years are a time of change that brings new challenges, risks, and responsibilities.

Attending college means making many adjustments. Some students may become depressed because of personal issues, mounting debt, or change in general. The pressures of school may produce additional anxiety or stress. Studying can be time-consuming and tiring. Dating, making friends, and trying to fit in can also be difficult for some. It can be hard to take good care of your health, including exercising and taking the time to prepare and eat healthy meals. It can also be hard to deal with the pressure to drink at parties, look thin, smoke, use drugs, or be sexually active.

The bottom line is, if you or someone you know has a health or safety concern, get help.

• Talk to someone you trust, such as a parent, doctor, nurse, social worker, teacher, counselor, or religious leader.

• If available, visit the college infirmary or health center. If not, seek care from a local clinic or hospital, or as required or recommended by your school.

• Contact the campus or community police for safety concerns or in the case of an emergency.

Besides fever, cold, upset stomach, and minor injuries, some college health and safety issues include:

• diet changes and eating disorders

• fatigue and sleep deprivation

• mental health- stress, anxiety, and depression

• substance use- alcohol, drugs, and tobacco

• relationships and sexual violence

sexually transmitted diseases

Quick Quiz
1. What condition can run in families, usually starts between the ages of 15 and 30, and is experienced by about 18.8 million Americans?

2. How many drinks for males in one setting is considered binge drinking? How many drinks for females in one setting is considered binge drinking?

3. Among persons aged 12-20 years, drinking alcohol contributes to which three leading causes of death?

4. Are males or females more likely to be a victim of sexual violence?

5. True or false: Sexually active adolescents and young adults are at lower risk for getting sexually transmitted diseases.

6. True or false: Teens and young adults who do not get enough sleep are at risk for problems, such as automobile crashes, poor grades and performance in school, depressed moods, and problems with peer and adult relationships.

Answers: 1) depression; 2) males- five, females- four or more; 3) unintentional injury, homicide, suicide; 4) females; 5) false
