Start Your Day with Breakfast Start Your Day with Breakfast
Readers Digest August 2005

Did you know that blueberries have more antioxidants than any other fruit or vegetable we might eat? Blueberries are a great way to start your day at the breakfast table. As well as helping to fight your risk of cancers it can also help to boost your memory. Try some soy yogurt along with your blueberries, which is a good source of vegetable protein. Plain non-fat yougut is also high in protein and contains good bacteria that we all need to help prevent yeast infections.

Cereals containing high fiber are absorbed more slowly than refined white-flour carbohydrates, therefore not causing an insulin surge like refined white-flour breakfast item. With high fiber cereals, including 100% whole wheat bread, we can lower our hunger pangs and keep our levels of insulin where they need to be.

According to Readers Digest, it is also suggested that a cup of green tea at breakfast can help boost the immune system, as it contains less caffeine than the usual cup of coffee. Green tea may help to reduce some types of cancer like in the GI track and some recurrences of breast cancer.
