
Understanding Testicular Cancer
Source: Healthcareserve.com Article

What is Testicular Cancer?

According to the American Cancer Society testicular cancer affects only 1 out of every 10,000 men. It usually affects men between the ages of 15-35. It is the most common type of cancer in this age group. The cancer affects men’s testicles and can be detected and treated successfully in many cases.

Signs and Symptoms

Here are a few signs and symptoms that may be associated with testicular cancer: If you find that one of your testicles is larger or firmer than the other, please see your physician. If you find a lump, painful or not, it should be checked by a physician. Many times the lump is not problematic, but only a physician can make that diagnosis. If you notice any unusual changes in your testicles, it is always advisable to see a physician promptly.

These symptoms are not always warning signs of cancer. They can also be caused by other health conditions. It is important to see a physician if you have any of these symptoms. Only a doctor can make a proper diagnosis.

The most known risk factor of testicular cancer is "a history of one of your testicles not moving into your scrotum properly before you were school age. However, most men who develop testicular cancer do not have this risk factor," according to the Society.

Treatment Options

If caught early testicular cancer in most cases can be treated successfully. Many times there are often no long term effects on the man’s sexual function or his ability to properly father children.

If you are concerned about any changes or the condition of your testicles, it is important to see your physician promptly. Together with your doctor you can find the answers to your questions.
